Upgrade From Single Phase To 3 Phase – What Are the Key Differences?

Electricity powers everything we do, but not all power supplies are the same. Understanding the difference between single-phase and three-phase power systems is crucial for achieving energy efficiency and capacity. Single-phase power works well for smaller homes, but growing energy demands often make a three-phase power upgrade essential for businesses and modern households. Upgrading your …


Why You Should Consider a Switchboard Upgrade for Your Home?

Is your home’s electrical system up to date? Here are vital reasons why you might need to upgrade your electrical switchboard. This handy guide will help you understand when it is time to call a Level 2 electrician for a switchboard upgrade service. Keeping Up with Safety Standards Safety rules for electricity have changed over …


How Do Accredited, Master & Emergency Electricians Differ?

It’s imperative to understand the various types of electricians and their specialised roles, which will help you call the relevant qualified electrician for the electrical job. So, how do an accredited electrician, a master electrician, and an emergency electrician differ? Each title requires unique qualifications and responsibilities catering to specific electrical needs. Here, we will …


How Does Commercial & Level 2 Electricians Differ?

Commercial electricians and Level 2 electricians have crucial roles to play in Australia’s vast domain of electrical services. At first glance, their responsibilities might seem similar, but vital differences set them apart. Understanding these differences can help businesses and individuals to make an informed decision when looking for electrical expertise. Here, we’ll look into the …


Top 5 Reasons to Hire a Licensed Level 2 Electrician

When you want to fix electrical faults, such as a burnt socket or a blown-out light fuse, or want to install lights or ceiling fans, you can take the help of an ordinary or Level 1 electrician. But if you need to perform substantial electrical maintenance work, you need to call a licensed Level 2 electrician to …


How to Identify the Best Level 2 Electrician in Australia?

When you need assistance for electrical work involving power pole installation, working on overhead or underground service lines, defect repairs, and more, you need the services of Accredited Level 2 Electricians. These electrical works require specialized knowledge, training, and skill, so your general electrician is not qualified to work on them. What Type of Electrical …


When Does Your Home Require Rewiring?

Most older houses require rewiring as they are more vulnerable to electrical accidents. Electrical hazards can happen to any old or new home, making rewiring crucial for solving these inherent issues. Home rewiring is critical to the safety of all who live in the house and obtain the utmost energy efficiency. Here are the factors …


5 Vital Things Electricians Advise Customers to Stay Safe!

Electricians work around electricity safely with all precautions, but others don’t play safe enough! So we have put together a checklist of things that electricians advise doing and avoiding, which will keep you safe. 1. Say ‘No’ to Cheap Power Devices When you buy power equipment or devices, such as extension cords, power boards etc., …


Level 2 Electricians Vs Ordinary Electricians – What’s The Distinction?

Problems pertaining to electricity are sensitive and must not be handled by unqualified hands. Electricity power is extremely hazardous and can also electrocute one to death. Statistics reveal that most house fires are induced by electricity. You need to be very cautious with electricity – especially if you come across loose power switches, a faulty …


Level 2 Service Provider: When Are Their Services Crucial?

As all electrical work must be performed by licensed and experienced electricians/ electrical service providers; likewise, it’s imperative that all electrical level 2 work must be entrusted to certified level 2 electricians only, as per NSW Department of Energy. Indeed, it’s critical to your safety and that of your property. New Power Line/ Metering System …
