The Value of Installing a Private Power Pole: Benefits for Your Home

Installing a private power pole enhances the safety, appearance, and control of the property’s electrical setup for homeowners. A private power pole is an independent pole on your property, bringing electricity from the grid directly to your home. Level 2 electricians can assist you to set up a private power pole and help you avoid …


A Simple Guide for Securing a Temporary Power Supply Connection

Temporary power supply connections are crucial in supplying buildings with electricity during construction and renovation. A Level 2 Electrician installs a temporary power supply system. At Eris Electrical, our team of Level 2 ASP electricians specialises in offering temporary power solutions for residential and commercial construction sites. Temporary power supply connections are essential for construction …


Your Trusted Partner for Safe & Reliable Power Pole Replacements

Like all things, power poles age, and as they do, their efficiency can decline. This ageing process can lead to potential dangers, making their replacement a matter of efficiency and safety. As we investigate why private power pole replacements are vital, we uncover the intricacies and significance that might be overlooked at first glance. Understanding …


What Is The Future Of Overhead & Underground Power Lines?

The two most common options for utility power lines are overhead and underground power lines. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. We will discuss these power lines and what the future holds for us. How Are Overhead Power Lines Beneficial? Current Capacity The overhead power lines can transfer a higher current capacity voltage of up …


Key Steps To Arrange For The Power Pole Installation

A power source is a primary requirement for arranging any event. Whether you are building a new home, planning an outdoor exhibition, or setting up a weekend market, electricity powers are a prerequisite. But it may not always be possible to get hold of the power source, especially if the property does not have a dedicated …


When Will You Need To Replace A Power Pole?

Your energy distributor may issue a defect notification to you if they find a structural defect during an inspection. A defect could include damage to your power pole, which affects the wholeness of the structure, including rotting or rust formation, damage to the actual physical pole or the power pole may be unstable or bending. …


Do Your Property Need A Private Power Pole Installation?

In Sydney, property owners themselves are responsible for maintaining electrical assets on their property. That means, beyond the street connection point, the responsibility is with property owners to take care of electrical belongings on their property. Typically, a private power pole is situated on your property and supports the power lines that come in with …


Why Should You Choose A Steel Power Pole?

These days, power poles are available in different material choices, strengths and heights. However, steel power pole is widely used among all other material choices. After the invention of the telegraph in the nineteenth century, power poles first made their way onto the scene and they were made out of wood at that time. The …


What Are The Different Types Of Power Poles In Australia?

An array of power poles is used here, in Australia, and they can only be installed by a level 2 electrician. That’s because specialised training is required to install the different types of power poles. The specialised training equips level 2 electricians with the required skill set, techniques and processes to deal with live wires. …
